
Are Traffic Cameras Legal In Colorado

Editor'due south Annotation: Denver7 360 stories explore multiple sides of the topics that matter near Coloradans, bringing in different perspectives so you can brand upwardly your own mind nearly the bug. To comment on this or other 360 stories, electronic mail united states at See more 360 stories hither.

DENVER -- Colorado's red calorie-free photographic camera debate is back in the spotlight, and Denver7 took a 360 view of all sides of the controversial topic.

In response to our first study, hundreds commented on our Denver7 Facebook page or sent in emails with their have on red light cameras and speed radar vans.

One matter was articulate: This applied science has drivers fired upwards. And many had questions almost what rights they take when it comes to fighting these tickets.

Denver7 sat down with attorney Jude Ramirez to find out what's true and what's not when it comes to crimson light camera and speed radar tickets.

Here are five facts you need to know:

1. Cities take 90 days to serve drivers with a ticket: Under Colorado law, Ramirez said those who chose non to pay the fine sent in the postal service for a red light camera or speed radar van violation have to be served by the urban center within 90 days or the ticket is invalid. Police enforcement officers do not take to personally serve y'all, he explained. Any developed (18+) who answers the door at the driver's home tin sign for the ticket. If drivers chose not to pay the fine upon being served, Ramirez said the original $75 corporeality (in Denver for example) tin go upward.

ii. Crimson light camera or speed radar tickets are zilch points on your license: Under the current law, Ramirez said these kinds of violations are not reported to the DMV, which means they don't touch points on your license. However, non paying a summons, he said, tin can hurt drivers in other areas. "It could hit your credit because they served yous and you lot didn't have intendance of it," Ramirez said.

three. Vehicle owners not driving at the time of the violation will have to bear witness their case: Ramirez said if a driver owns a motorcar, and was not behind the wheel at the time of the red low-cal or speed radar photo violation, they can get out of the ticket. Simply it is the owner'south responsibility to prove they weren't driving. "They can't require you to tell them who was driving the vehicle, simply they can only require that it wasn't you," he explained. "And then if you're a male who owns the vehicle and information technology's a female driving the vehicle, it'southward easy enough to transport them a moving-picture show of your ID."

4. Red light cameras or speed vans must have signs up warning drivers: If you lot run across the flash go off and think yous never saw a sign, drive effectually the block to run across if yous can notice the sign and document whatsoever discrepancies. Ramirez said drivers could then use that evidence to dispute the ticket in court. "Exist able to show them documentation. 'I took a picture on this solar day. There wasn't a sign,'" Ramirez said.

five. It is illegal to block the crosswalk, and in Denver, yous'll go a ticket for it: Ramirez said state law requires drivers to stop behind the white line at an intersection. If a driver'south front tires stop on the crosswalk, Denver's carmine lite cameras will take a picture and send you a smaller fine in the mail service (around $twoscore versus $75). If a commuter'southward front end and dorsum tires are over the white line and in the crosswalk, Ramirez said drivers would receive a ticket for the total corporeality of the fine for running the light. "It isn't your bumper, it's your tires, then you have to exist very conscientious," Ramirez said. "Make sure that cities have done everything they should do or they're required to do before you have to pay this."

The Morning Headlines, sign up for a mix of what you need to know to start the mean solar day in Colorado, picked for you.


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